Categories: videovideo - cancervideo - prostate health

Prostate Cancer Risk Highest In African American Men

Dr. David Samadi emphasizes on the importance of understanding, knowledge & getting tested early for this deadly disease which is the second leading cause of death in African American men claiming over 27,000 lives.

Prostate cancer is called a silent killer as there are no symptoms. Getting a PSA test can be lifesaving especially for African American men who are at a 29% higher fatality risk compared to Caucasian men. Prostate cancer was also found to be more aggressive in African American men and 64% of them were found to have the disease.

Dr. Samadi recommends getting a baseline PSA at the age of 40 & getting a second opinion from a Urologist. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, early stage prostate cancer can be cured.

Prostate Cancer Risk Highest In African American Men
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Dr. David Samadi, MD. :Dr. David Samadi is a Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon who was included in the prestigious Castle Connoly's America’s Top Doctors and New York Magazine’s Best Doctor’s List.