Categories: Sex

Senior sex tips for older men

Growing older has its ups and downs. One possible downside might be a lackluster sex life as the years go by. The sex you experienced as a young man likely is different. But “different” doesn’t necessarily mean it still can’t be enjoyed. In fact, many senior men are having a fulfilled love life well into their eighties – and for some, even beyond.

How a man’s sex life is affected by aging

Aging has a way of showing our bodies vulnerabilities. The things you once could do with no problem, may now be redefining how you live your life, depending on your physical capabilities. 

Believe it or not, your sexual well-being comes from having a healthy body. The way you feel, medications you take, chronic health conditions you have, and age-related change, each have an impact on your sex life. For example, men past the age of fifty will naturally have declining levels of testosterone, a major player in your desire for sex and ability to perform. Even issues of bone and muscle loss or nerve damage, can disrupt a good sex life you had in your younger years. 

When it comes to sex, if you are fifty or older, here are some changes you may already be experiencing:

  • Changes in getting and maintaining an erection – erectile dysfunction
  • Loss or libido in yourself or your partner
  • Reduced stamina and strength
  • Changes in ejaculation of possibly premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation
  • Bodily changes of your genitals
  • Feeling more tired, stressed, or sad

These changes can be very concerning for older men. What is going on? Why am I having these symptoms? These questions and others are perfectly normal to feel and you have a right to ask. But, despite these inevitable changes, they do not mean an end to your sex life or how you enjoy it. 

Tips on keeping sexual health alive and well

Yes, you are no longer the young man you used to be, but so what. It doesn’t mean intimacy automatically goes on the backburner. You can still have an enjoyable, fulfilling and healthy sex life for years to come. 

Following these tips can help keep you in the mood:

  • Talk to your doctor

Your doctor is not a mind reader. If you want help with your sex life, you’ll have to open up to them. Sometimes sexual problems are related to medications you take.  If that’s the case, changing the time the medication is taken or switching to a different one, can make a huge difference. Or, if you have erectile dysfunction, there are effective medications that can help.

  • Have an honest discussion with your partner

Your partner is going to know if you are having sexual issues. Talk about it, let them know what is concerning you and how they may help. Good communication is vital for intimacy.  When you work together, it improves understanding, empathy, and being adaptable to change.

  • Take control of chronic health conditions

Chronic pain, uncontrolled blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, each of these medical maladies will influence your sex life. To make a meaningful impact, manage your health conditions. Make necessary lifestyle changes by eating a healthier diet, start exercising, lose some weight if needed, and watch how it does make a difference.

  • Be flexible with positions and timing of sex

Flexibility matters…as in the willingness to change or compromise. This is being ‘flexible’ with making extraordinary physical moves but rather having to do with more comfortable positions making intimacy more enjoyable. Explore various positions that take into account chronic pain such as arthritis. Flexibility also means thinking differently of what time of day you have sex. Bedtime is not the only time for this activity!  If you have more energy or desire at certain times of the day, take advantage of those times.

  • Anticipate changes with aging

As stated previously, you will need to expect and anticipate body and mind changes will happen with each birthday. Of course, much of that depends on how well you take care of your health. Maintaining a healthy body weight, eating mostly healthy foods, dealing with stress effectively, and making sleep a priority, will be valuable tools you can use to slow, maybe even eliminate, many of these changes as you grow older. Also, how you react emotionally the first time you experience erectile dysfunction or low sexual desire, react calmly and learn to troubleshoot these changes. 


Dr. David Samadi is the Director of Men’s Health and Urologic Oncology at St. Francis Hospital in Long Island. He’s a renowned and highly successful board certified Urologic Oncologist Expert and Robotic Surgeon in New York City, regarded as one of the leading prostate surgeons in the U.S., with a vast expertise in prostate cancer treatment and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.  Dr. Samadi is a medical contributor to NewsMax TV and is also the author of The Ultimate MANual, Dr. Samadi’s Guide to Men’s Health and Wellness, available online both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit Dr. Samadi’s websites at robotic oncology and prostate cancer 911. 


Senior sex tips for older men
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