Categories: Fitness & Exercise

Seven mistakes men make when working out

Establishing and then maintaining a routinely consistent workout for men can be challenging.  Whether a guy decides to get in shape to lose weight or improve overall health, common workout mistakes could derail his efforts in achieving his goals.

When men become frustrated at not seeing significant results from their workouts, they may want to throw in the towel and quit working out altogether.

Often, their frustrations stem from certain “mistakes” men may make when working out.

To avoid this scenario, here are seven workout mistakes for men to be aware of to keep themselves on track for getting in shape:

  1. Not warming up

A warm-up is essential when first working out. Fitness pros always will incorporate a dynamic warm-up into their routine. A warm-up helps increase blood flow, warming up muscles, preparing them for higher-intensity activities ahead.  

  1. Overdoing it

Men like to look and act tough.  They want to think and believe when they walk into a gym or step onto a track, they are still the star athlete at one time in their life.  This kind of thinking will only get them in trouble if they push themselves too hard initially.  Attempting to lift too heavy of weights, run too fast, or work out too long is a recipe for burnout or injury.  Instead, men should acknowledge they may not be quite the same athlete they were back in high school or college, and ease into exercise instead.  Being consistent and making slow, steady improvements is the way to go.  The workout will be more enjoyable with much less risk of getting hurt.

  1. Ignoring food choices

Most men love to eat and feel if they are working out intensely and regularly, they can eat whatever they want in whatever quantity they want.  Not so.  The saying “abs are made in the kitchen and not in the gym” rings very true.  Good nutrition matters if a man (or woman) is going to spend the time and effort working out to get in shape. Exercise and healthy food choices go hand-in-hand as one without the other is not a win-win situation.  

  1. Ignoring the pain

One thing almost all fitness professionals agree on is that no activity or lift should cause pain.  While feeling muscle burn after a certain number of reps is common, any type of sharp or pinching pain is concerning. If that happens, stop immediately and move the arm or leg around to see if there are other motions besides what caused the pain.  Pain is the body’s way of getting the attention of the person feeling it and requires medical intervention. 

  1. Overloading on supplements

It’s tempting to use the latest and greatest protein powder or nutrition supplement, believing this is your ticket to total fitness.  Some of these supplements may have a place for some men but for all men, eating real food should always be their first choice.  Whole foods provide more nutritional value as they contain various vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants.  Whole foods contain the whole package of what a man’s body needs to get and keep in top fitness condition.

  1. Doing the same workout routine over and over 

Sometimes having a regular, reliable workout routine feels right. However, getting stuck in an exercise rut is not ideal. Performing the same routine each time, trains the body to get used to it, and suddenly, any fitness gains are just not happening.  A common exercise routine some men habitually do is moderate aerobic activity such as walking or jogging at the same steady pace at each workout.  Aerobic exercise is good, but when it’s the only exercise a man does, it’s time for more variety. There needs to be various intensity levels, including high-intensity interval training, to gain additional fitness benefits. It helps break up the routine busting through any monotonous workout.

  1. Relying on oneself instead of a fitness professional

Men sometimes have a reputation for being stubborn. For instance, many men would rather drive around for hours finding a location instead of asking for directions.  The same can be true for developing a workout routine.  Many men assume they already know what to do to get in shape.  But if they work with a professional trainer from the beginning, they’ll achieve quicker results without wasting time listening to wrong advice resulting in bad outcomes. Also, a good trainer will perform a functional assessment to identify areas of weakness or limitations, determining what exercise program he needs to achieve the best fitness results, from losing weight to getting more fit.  


 Dr. David Samadi is the Director of Men’s Health and Urologic Oncology at St. Francis Hospital in Long Island. He’s a renowned and highly successful board certified Urologic Oncologist Expert and Robotic Surgeon in New York City, regarded as one of the leading prostate surgeons in the U.S., with a vast expertise in prostate cancer treatment and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.  Dr. Samadi is a medical contributor to NewsMax TV and is also the author of The Ultimate MANual, Dr. Samadi’s Guide to Men’s Health and Wellness, available online both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit Dr. Samadi’s websites at robotic oncology and prostate cancer 911. 

Seven mistakes men make when working out
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